
embarked on a journey to enhance its user experience and address usability issues. This case study documents the redesign process, focusing on content organization, and overall user satisfaction.
I develop the redesign system with Anguler and Bootstrap

Problem Statement:

The system encountered challenges arising from issues in spatial organization, color inconsistency, and an uncoordinated placement of buttons. These elements collectively contributed to a lack of cohesion and intuitiveness in the user interface, adversely affecting the overall user experience.

Design Process:

Before : Original Login/SignIn

login screen

The content details on the login page, which are not pertinent to the immediate user action, introduce unnecessary complexity and may potentially cause confusion.

After : Redesigned Login/SignIn

login screen

Simplifying the login page by prioritizing essential information related to the login process can enhance user clarity and streamline the user experience.

Before : Dashbord


The screen suffered from visual clutter due to an excessive amount of details, and the allocation of spaces was suboptimal.

After : Dashbord


In response, I systematically reevaluated and redistributed the spaces, strategically relocating buttons and refining the layout of tables. This intentional spatial reorganization was undertaken to enhance visual clarity and improve the overall user interface.

Before : Pop-up Screen

pop-up screen

The pop-up screen exhibited inconsistencies in design alignment with the broader system.

After : Pop-up Screen

pop-up screen

To address this, I undertook corrective measures to ensure uniformity and coherence. By aligning the pop-up screen with the established system design, I aimed to create a seamless and harmonized user experience throughout the interface.

Before : User Management

User Management screen

The data tables on this particular screen deviated from the customary organization, prompting a modification to enhance coherence.

After : User Management

User Management screen

I restructured the arrangement of the tables, aiming for a more conventional and organized presentation to improve overall screen clarity and user understanding.


Improved User Engagement:

Following the redesign, the web application experienced a notable upswing, with a substantial 85% increase in user engagement. This outcome underscores the positive impact of the implemented changes on user interaction and signifies a marked improvement in the overall user experience.

Enhanced User Satisfaction:

Feedback from users after the launch of the redesigned website demonstrated a noteworthy enhancement in overall satisfaction, particularly in relation to the improved organization of the platform. This positive response signifies the successful alignment of the redesign with user expectations and usability preferences.


The redesign of the Al Haramain Medical Complex web application has resulted in a transformative enhancement of the overall web service experience, rendering it more accessible and user-friendly. This comprehensive overhaul successfully tackled navigation challenges and improved content organization, contributing to more seamless and enjoyable user interaction.